women techmakers

Introducing Spotlight: Women Techmakers series on career and professional development in tech

August 26, 2020 RMags Mall 0 Comments

Posted by Caitlin Morrissey, PgM for Women Techmakers

On July 9, Women Techmakers launched the first episode of “Spotlight”, a new global program focused on amplifying the stories and pathways of women in technology across the industry. The idea for this series came from our community who were looking for more help with navigating their careers, especially during this time. We quickly realized that with our extensive network of professional women in all different parts of the tech industry, we could play a part in scaling this kind of guidance and advice to women all over the world.

The first video features Priyanka Vergadia, a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud, who shared advice on taking risks, career paths in tech, and dealing with failure. “I wanted to be on the show because I am a firm believer that hearing someone's story can inspire you to create your own beautiful journey.”

Image of Priyanka Vergadia with Spotlight host Caitlin Morrissey

Since then, we’ve been releasing weekly episodes featuring women from all over the world on themes from finding the job that’s right for you and what’s needed to be successful in that role to overcoming imposter syndrome and leading with confidence. Each woman brings a unique perspective to the table -- some have their masters in Engineering, while others went through a coding bootcamp and got into tech as a second career. This diversity in experience and backgrounds brings a richness and variety to the advice shared across the episodes, providing valuable guidance a viewer can take away, regardless of where they are in their careers.

Image of Spotlight guests: Pujaa Rajan, Jessica Early-Cha and Jacquelle Horton

The response to the series has been overwhelmingly positive so far - “I am honestly blown away by the reception of the video,” said Priyanka, who received many heartfelt messages after her episode was published. And as Spotlight continues, we’re excited to tell more stories of more women in tech and build a library of career advice that anyone can use to help navigate the tech ecosystem.

You can check out all episodes of Spotlight here, and make sure to subscribe to the Women Techmakers channel so you don’t miss out on future interviews.

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